How Simple Chimney Maintenance Improves Its Lifespan

The chimney or fireplace is a beautiful and important part of the home. However, this part of the house can be potentially dangerous if it is not properly cleaned and maintained. Hiring a professional chimney repair contractor can keep your family safe and improve the lifespan of your fireplace. Chimney repair and maintenance contractors can visit your home regularly for routine maintenance and repairs.

Chimney Hazards

As easy as simple chimney maintenance can be, it can save you a lot of potential chimney hazards. One common problem of traditional chimneys is the accumulation of creosote. Creosote is a substance produced by burning coal and wood in fireplaces and is highly flammable. This substance is usually dark brown in appearance and can appear tar-like and sticky, dry and flaky, or shine and hard depending on the type of fuel you burn and the rate of condensation inside your chimney.

Dangerous chimney fire if you allow creosote to build up inside your chimney. These can be slow-burning fires that cause severe damages to the internal structures of your chimney. A popular sign of creosote buildup and slow-burning fires is low rumbling sound. This issue, if not immediately attended to, can escalate into explosive fires that your neighbors will see and hear.

In fact, modern chimneys that do not use either wood or coal for fuel have their own shortcomings too. They can become rust, corroded or wear away. These natural deteriorations can still have a dangerous effect on your house.

Likewise, old chimneys made of bricks and stones also require rebuilding or reinforcement. Remember that brinks can become weak over time and may crumble during earthquakes or erosion. All these effects can reduce the effectiveness of your chimney and ultimately shorten its lifespan.

Preventing Chimney Problems

A simple chimney maintenance and instant repair of structural problems as soon as they start developing are two key ways of preventing chimney fires and improving chimneys lifespan. Chimney cleaning is not as easy as you might think. You need some gadget and equipment to effectively clean a chimney. Therefore, you require the assistance of chimney repair contractor to keep every part of your chimney in a good shape.

Usually, the companies that offer chimney cleaning services also offer chimney repair services. Therefore, in case your chimney needs to be repaired, the contractor will also handle the process for you. Furthermore, chimney inspection comes in three levels.

  • Level 1 chimney cleaning is for standard annual inspections
  • Level 2 chimney cleaning is for more in-depth inspections of the chimney and the rooms closer to it.
  • Level 3 chimney cleaning is for thorough inspection when level 1 or 2 has revealed a possible problem with your chimney. A simple chimney cleaning can reveal the areas that need repair and the types of repair that are needed.

Finding Professional Cleaners

If you have a chimney, you need the services of a chimney repair contractor to inspect your chimney, perform simple cleaning, and make necessary repairs. This will prevent your home from any potential hazard and likewise improve the overall lifespan of the chimney. When was the last time you cleaned your chimney? Do you need a chimney cleaning contractor right now? Contact us today!

Learn more about Kearns Brothers, a full-service home improvement contractor servicing all Southeast Michigan’s construction needs by visiting their website at or contact a remodeling expert at 888.355.6700.


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