Preparing Your Soil and Choosing Your First Crops

Welcome to the budding world of gardening, where your harvest’s success begins long before seeds touch the soil. Whether cultivating a personal plot or embarking on an agricultural adventure, the initial steps of soil preparation and selecting the first crops are pivotal. In this article, we walk you through how to enrich your garden bed and spotlight the first crops to nurture for a bountiful harvest.

The Foundation: Soil Preparation

Test Your Terrain

Before experimenting with soil changes, understand your starting point. A simple soil test can reveal pH levels and nutrient content, providing insights into what your soil lacks or has in abundance. Kits are available at local gardening centers.

Amend and Enrich

Based on your soil test results, it’s time to modify it. For nutrient-poor or heavy clay soils, organic matter is your best friend. Compost, well-rotted manure, or leaf mold enriches the soil with essential nutrients and improves drainage and aeration. If your soil is too acidic or alkaline, adjustments can be made using lime (to raise pH) or sulfur (to lower pH).

Till with Care

Tilling helps integrate organic matter and loosen the soil, making it more receptive to new plant roots. However, over-tilling can disrupt soil structure and harm beneficial microorganisms. A gentle turn-over or even a no-till approach, where materials are layered on the soil surface, can be equally effective.

Moisture Management

Ensure your garden has adequate drainage to prevent waterlogged roots. Consider raised beds or adjust the soil’s composition to improve water flow if necessary.

The First Shoots: Selecting Your Crops

Leafy Greens

Spinach, lettuce, and kale are not only nutritious but also hardy. They can be among the first planted and harvested, often ready within weeks of planting. In some regions, these leafy greens can endure cooler temperatures, making them perfect for early spring or late winter.

Root Vegetables

Carrots, radishes, and beets can be sown directly into the prepared soil. They prefer cooler temperatures, and their underground growth is less impacted by fluctuating spring weather.


Peas thrive in cool conditions and can be planted early. They also fix nitrogen in the soil, improving it for future crops.


Hardy herbs like parsley, cilantro, and chives can start your garden off on a fragrant note. These versatile plants are resilient and can be used in a variety of dishes.

Caring for Your Emerging Garden

Keep a vigilant eye on moisture levels as your seeds begin to sprout. Early growth is tender and requires consistent, gentle watering. Protecting your sprouts from late frosts with covers or special protectants can also ensure that a sudden cold snap does not undo your hard work.

The excitement of planting a garden is a rewarding endeavor, bringing you closer to the earth and providing a sense of achievement as you watch your crops grow. By starting with a solid foundation of well-prepared soil and choosing the right crops for early planting, you’re setting the stage for a season of abundance. Remember, gardening is a journey—each season brings new lessons and joys. Happy gardening!


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later.

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Embracing Minimalism: A Guide to Living with Less

In a world where consumerism often dictates our choices and clutters our spaces, minimalism is a refreshing counter-narrative. At its core, minimalism is about stripping away the unnecessary, valuing quality over quantity, and finding freedom and clarity in simplicity. It’s not just about having fewer possessions but redefining what truly matters in life. This article explores how you can embrace minimalism, live with less, and find greater satisfaction in the abundance of less.

Understand the Essence of Minimalism

Minimalism goes beyond decluttering; it’s a mindset shift. It’s about living intentionally, where every possession, activity, and relationship is chosen with care and purpose. The goal is to eliminate the noise and distractions, allowing you to focus on what’s truly important.

Start with Decluttering

Begin your minimalist journey by decluttering your physical space. Go through your belongings and ask yourself if each item adds value to your life. It’s not about discarding everything you own but keeping only what serves a purpose or brings you joy. This process can be emotional and challenging, but it’s also liberating.

Prioritize Quality Over Quantity

Minimalism advocates investing in fewer but better-quality items that last longer and truly meet your needs. Whether it’s clothing, furniture, or electronics, choosing quality over quantity not only reduces waste but also enhances your everyday life.

Simplify Your Lifestyle

Living with less isn’t confined to tangible items. It’s also about simplifying your schedule, commitments, and digital life. Evaluate how you spend your time and energy. Minimize commitments that don’t align with your values or contribute to your well-being. Simplify your digital life by unsubscribing from unnecessary emails, limiting social media time, and decluttering your digital files.

Cultivate Mindfulness and Gratitude

Minimalism encourages mindfulness and gratitude. By living with less, you become more aware of the present moment and more appreciative of what you have. This shift in perspective can lead to greater contentment and happiness.

Embrace Experiences Over Possessions

Shift your focus from acquiring possessions to experiencing life. Memories created from experiences, such as travel, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones, are far more fulfilling and lasting than material objects. This doesn’t mean you should never buy anything again, but when you do make purchases, consider their ability to enhance your life experiences.

Financial Freedom and Sustainability

Minimalism can lead to significant financial benefits. By spending less on unnecessary items, you can save more, reduce debt, and invest in your future. Additionally, minimalism aligns with sustainable living practices, as consuming less reduces your environmental footprint.

Be Patient and Flexible

Adopting a minimalist lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. Your needs and circumstances will change over time, and so will your approach to minimalism. Be patient with yourself and flexible in your methods. What works for one person may not work for another, so find the balance that’s right for you.

Living with less through minimalism isn’t about deprivation; it’s about making room for more of what truly enriches your life. By choosing to live with less, you’re not only decluttering your space but also decluttering your mind and spirit. Embracing minimalism can lead to a deeper sense of freedom, clarity, and fulfillment. Start small, be intentional, and watch as the minimalist lifestyle transforms not just your physical space, but your entire outlook on life.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later.

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Navigating Life’s Storms: The Power of Positivity, Joy, and Faith

In the wilderness of life’s most challenging moments, it’s easy to feel lost and without hope. Yet, it is precisely in these valleys that the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, finding joy amid hardship, and relying on Jesus Christ as our savior becomes most evident. This article explores how these three elements serve as crucial survival tools, guiding us through the darkest times and leading us toward the light.

The Importance of a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is not about ignoring the reality of our situations but choosing to focus on the potential for growth and learning that lies within them. It’s about seeing the glass as half full, not to naively dismiss the half empty, but to empower ourselves to fill it up the rest of the way. Positivity breeds resilience, enabling us to face adversity head-on rather than being overwhelmed by it.

In the context of survival, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, a positive mindset acts as a beacon of hope. It encourages us to persevere when every fiber of our being wants to give up. By maintaining a hopeful outlook, we can find the strength to keep moving forward, even when the fog of uncertainty obscures the path.

Finding Joy in Times of Hardship

Joy in times of hardship might seem like a paradox, but it is a profound truth that has sustained many through the ages. This joy doesn’t stem from our circumstances but from something more profound —our reactions to those circumstances and our ability to find meaning and gratitude even in the midst of suffering.

One way to cultivate this joy is by embracing the small blessings that life offers us daily. It could be the warmth of the sun on our faces, the kindness of a stranger, or the comfort of a familiar scripture. When we learn to appreciate these moments, we find that joy is not as elusive as it seems, even in hardship.

Moreover, joy is often found in service to others. By turning our focus outward, we not only help alleviate the burdens of those around us but also gain perspective on our struggles, making them seem more manageable in the process.

Walking Faith: Counting on Jesus Christ as Our Savior

At the core of our ability to remain positive and find joy in adversity is our faith in Jesus Christ. He is our ultimate example of enduring hardship with grace, offering us a model of how to face our own trials.  Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus showed us that no suffering is too great to overcome, and no night is so dark that the dawn cannot follow it.

Relying on Jesus as our Savior means more than just believing in His existence; it means trusting in His love for us, His plan for our lives, and His promise to be with us always, especially in our moments of greatest need. When we put our faith in Him, we are not guaranteed a life without hardship, but we are promised His presence, guidance, and the ultimate victory over our struggles.

Prayer, scripture, study/reflection, and fellowship with other believers can all strengthen our relationship with Christ, helping us to lean on Him more fully. As we do so, we find that He provides us with the peace that surpasses all understanding, a peace that enables us to remain positive and joyful, even when the world around us is anything but.

Life’s storms can be fierce, but they don’t have to be faced alone or without hope. A positive mindset, the pursuit of joy, and, most importantly, a steadfast reliance on Jesus Christ as our Savior are the keys to not just surviving but thriving in the face of adversity. By cultivating these elements in our lives, we can navigate any challenge with grace, emerging stronger and more resilient on the other side.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Essential Survival Preparation: Strategies and Tips for the Unexpected

In an increasingly unpredictable world, being prepared for various survival scenarios is not just prudent but necessary. Whether facing natural disasters, unforeseen emergencies, or outdoor adventures gone awry, having a survival plan can make a significant difference. This article delves into the essentials of survival preparation, offering practical strategies and tips to ensure you’re ready for anything.

Understanding Survival Basics

It’s crucial to understand the basic survival needs: shelter, water, food, and safety. Each element plays a vital role in survival, and neglecting any one of them can jeopardize your chances in a critical situation.

Building a Survival Kit

Your survival kit should be compact, lightweight, and contain all the essentials. Key items include:

  • Water purification tools: Such as filters or purification tablets.
  • Non-perishable food: High-energy bars, dried fruits, and nuts are great options.
  • First-aid kit: Stock it with bandages, antiseptic, pain relievers, and specific medications if needed.
  • Multipurpose tools: A Swiss Army knife or a multi-tool can be incredibly handy.
  • Fire-starting materials: Waterproof matches, lighters, and fire starters.
  • Shelter materials: Compact emergency blankets or a small, lightweight tent.
  • Communication devices: A fully charged mobile phone with a portable charger, and perhaps a solar charger.
  • Navigation tools: A physical map and compass, as GPS may not always be available.

Learning Essential Skills

Knowing how to use your survival kit is as important as the kit itself. Skills to master include:

  • Basic first aid: Know how to treat wounds, fractures, and manage basic health care.
  • Fire-making: Learn to start a fire under various conditions.
  • Shelter building: Practice making temporary shelters using natural materials or items from your kit.
  • Water sourcing and purification: Identify fresh water sources and understand how to purify water.
  • Food foraging and preparation: Learn which local plants are edible and how to prepare them.

Staying Informed

Keep up-to-date with local news and weather forecasts, especially if you’re planning an outdoor adventure or in areas prone to natural disasters. Having a battery-powered or hand-crank radio can be invaluable in power outages.

Mental and Physical Preparedness

Survival is as much a mental game as a physical one. Regular exercise, stress management techniques, and a positive mindset can greatly improve your chances in a survival scenario. Practice mindfulness and scenario-based thinking to stay calm and focused.

Networking with Local Survival Groups

Joining a local survival group or participating in survival workshops can provide practical experience and knowledge. It’s also a great way to meet like-minded individuals who can share their experiences and tips.

The Importance of Being Prepared

Survival preparation is about expecting the unexpected and equipping yourself with the knowledge, skills, and tools to face it. While we hope never to be in a dire situation, being prepared can provide peace of mind and, more importantly, a fighting chance to survive and thrive. Start small, build your skills and kit over time, and remember: the best survival tool is a well-prepared mind.

Shop online for your essential tools and gear, clothing, freeze-dried foods, and more from Wolf Survival Gear.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later.

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How to Identify and Treat Hypothermia and Frostbite

For those who spend time outdoors in the winter, either for work or leisure, it’s crucial to understand how the cold impacts your body. Cool temperatures increase the risk of encountering serious health issues like hypothermia and frostbite. Be sure to safeguard yourself against cold conditions, which can rapidly escalate into emergencies, posing significant threats to life and limb.

How Cold Weather Affects You

When exposed to cold weather or immersed in cold water, your body experiences several changes to conserve heat, particularly around vital organs. Freezing conditions, combined with factors like wind, rain, and sweat, can significantly reduce your skin temperature and overall body heat. Contact with cold surfaces and even breathing will further drop your body’s temperature, so it’s vital to seek warm shelter.   

To maintain its core temperature, your body restricts blood flow to extremities such as your face, arms, hands, legs, and feet, making these areas more susceptible to frostbite. Additionally, a slight drop in core body temperature can lead to hypothermia, impacting the functioning of your brain and body. If hypothermia becomes severe, it can be life-threatening.

How to Stay Warm in Cold Weather

  • Be aware of the temperature and wind chill. Take note of the highs and lows of the day, dress appropriately, and be prepared with extra clothing, etc., in case you’re held up.
  • Wear proper clothing that covers all your skin, and dress in layers. Layering your attire and wearing the right shoes/boots, hat, scarf, and gloves will offer you the best protection. The inner clothing layer should wick sweat away from the skin. The middle layer should insulate and keep heat in, while the outer ‘breathable’ layer should repel wind, snow, and rain.
  • Avoid staying in the cold too long, take breaks regularly, and don’t let any body part get exposed to the cold. Stay active to maintain body heat.
  • Drink plenty of warm fluids (tea, water, etc.), but avoid caffeine and alcohol, which will dehydrate you.  
  • If signs of hypothermia or frostbite emerge, immediately seek shelter from the cold.

How to Identify and Treat Hypothermia

Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce it, causing a dangerously low body temperature. Normal body temperature is around 98.6°F, and hypothermia sets in when your body temperature drops below 95°F. This condition can affect the brain, making the victim unable to think clearly or move well, which makes hypothermia particularly dangerous because the person may not realize it’s happening and won’t be able to take appropriate actions.

The primary objectives of first aid are to reestablish a normal body temperature and provide care for any related issues until emergency medical services (EMS) personnel arrive.

What Are the Signs of Hypothermia?

  • Shivering
  • Numbness or weakness
  • Glassy stare
  • Lethargy or impaired judgment
  • Loss of consciousness

What Should You Do if Someone Has Hypothermia?

  • Call 9-1-1.
  • Gently move the person to a warm place.
  • Monitor their breathing.
  • Give rescue breathing and CPR if needed.
  • Take off any wet clothing and ensure they are dry.
  • Gradually warm the person by wrapping them in blankets or dressing them in dry clothing.
  • Do not warm the person too quickly by placing them in warm water. Instead, use hot water bottles or chemical hot packs wrapped in a towel or blanket before applying.
  • Warm the person’s core first (trunk, abdomen), not the extremities (hands, feet).

How to Identify and Treat Frostbite

Frostbite is a cold-related injury that occurs when the skin and underlying tissues freeze due to exposure to extremely cold temperatures. It most commonly affects body parts that are farther from the heart and more exposed, such as the fingers, toes, nose, ears, cheeks, and chin.

What Are the Signs of Frostbite?

  • A cold and prickly feeling in the affected area.
  • Numbness or a lack of feeling in the affected area.
  • Skin that appears waxy, is cold to the touch, or is discolored (flushed, white or gray, yellow or blue)
  • Clumsiness due to joint and muscle stiffness.

What Should You Do if Someone Has Frostbite?

  • Move the person to a warm place.
  • Handle the area gently; never rub the affected area.
  • Warm the affected area gently by soaking it in lukewarm water (100–105 degrees F) until it appears red and feels warm.
  • Loosely bandage the area with dry, sterile dressings.
  • If the person’s fingers or toes are frostbitten, place dry, sterile gauze between them to separate them.
  • Avoid breaking any blisters.
  • Do not allow the affected area to refreeze.
  • Seek professional medical care as soon as possible.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Successful Tips for November Deer Hunting

For hunters, November is an exciting and favored month. It’s a pivotal time for deer hunters, marked by the peak rutting (breading) season and the unique behavioral patterns of deer. It’s also the period for open deer hunting on public and private lands for archery and firearms in most local areas. We provide insights and strategies for successful deer hunting, gathered from various experienced hunters and experts.

Week-by-Week Breakdown of November Deer Hunting

November 1-6:

Pre-Rut Behavior: Bucks are in the pre-rut stage, actively rubbing and scraping, and beginning to search for does, though the does are not yet receptive.

Hunting Strategies: Focus on areas near scrapes and use calling tactics. Ideal locations include staging areas, near buck or doe bedding areas, saddles, pinch-points, and funnels. Treestand hunting is highly effective during this period​​.

November 7-13:

Lock-Down Phase: Some does enter estrus, leading to a lock-down phase where bucks stay close to a doe. This can make hunting challenging as bucks tend to be less mobile.

Hunting Approach: Continue using tactics from the end of the first week. Position yourself near a thick brush or other dense cover where bucks might pursue does​​.

November 14-20:

Post Lock-Down Phase: The lock-down phase generally ends, and deer movement increases again.

Tactics: Adopt the same strategies as in the first week, with added caution due to increased hunting pressure. Consider hunting near leeward ridges, trail intersections, and pockets of cover​​.

November 21-30:

Late Rut Activity: Bucks revert to seeking and chasing behaviors, and big bucks are more active. Younger bucks might show decreased activity due to fatigue.

Strategy: Hunt as in the first two weeks but consider moving deeper into cover to adapt to hunting pressure and changing deer patterns. Be ready to switch to late-season tactics if rut activity decreases​​.

Additional Hunting Strategies and Tips

  1. Hunting Thicker Cover: During the lock-down phase, focus on heavier cover areas, often referred to as “heat cover,” where does in heat might isolate themselves. This can attract bucks checking on prospective mates​​.
  • Choosing Hunting Days: Utilize tools like Drury’s DeerCast to select the best days for hunting based on game camera activity and rut predictions. Consider hunting throughout the day, especially midday, as this period can be surprisingly active​​.
  • Rub Lines: Locate rub lines to find areas where mature bucks are active. Trail cameras can be strategically placed along these lines to monitor deer movement and identify potential targets​​.
  • Run-and-Gun Method: This tactic involves moving hunting locations frequently, especially on public land where deer are wary of human presence. It’s effective for adapting to deer movement patterns and avoiding over-pressuring a specific area​​.
  • Mock Scrapes: Creating mock scrapes can be an effective tactic to attract bucks, particularly when enhanced with the right scents and placed strategically near your stand​​.
  • Scent Control: Rigorous scent control is crucial for hunting mature whitetails. This includes using scent elimination products, managing what you eat before the hunt, and understanding wind direction to stay downwind of your target​​.

Successful November deer hunting requires an understanding of deer behavior during the rut, strategic placement of stands and blinds, the use of trail cameras and rub lines for scouting, adaptability in hunting tactics, and meticulous scent control. With patience, observation, and the right approach, November can be an extremely rewarding time for deer hunters.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Preparing for Uncertainty: The Importance of Freeze-Dried Food in Emergency Preparedness

Being prepared is critical in an ever-changing world where natural disasters, power outages, and unforeseen emergencies can disrupt our daily lives. One essential aspect of emergency preparedness that often goes overlooked is food supply. Freeze-dried food can be a game-changer in such situations, providing a reliable and long-lasting source of nutrition when traditional options may not be readily available. This article explores the importance of obtaining and storing freeze-dried food for emergencies.

Shelf Life and Longevity

One of the most persuasive reasons to consider freeze-dried food for emergency preparedness is its remarkable shelf life. Unlike perishable items, freeze-dried food can last for years, even decades, without spoiling. This means you can store it away and forget about it until you truly need it. Whether you’re facing a sudden crisis or planning for long-term survival situations, having food that won’t expire quickly is a game-changer.

Nutritional Value

Freeze-dried food retains its nutritional value extremely well during the preservation process. This means that when you eventually consume it, you get essential nutrients and calories, crucial for maintaining energy and health during emergencies. These foods are often designed to provide a balanced diet, ensuring you have the sustenance you need to stay strong and focused.

Convenience and Portability

Freeze-dried food is incredibly lightweight and compact, making it easy to store and transport. In an emergency, you may need to evacuate or relocate quickly, and having portable, pre-packaged meals can be a lifesaver. Additionally, the minimal weight of freeze-dried food allows you to store larger quantities without taking up excessive space.

Diverse Food Options

Modern freeze-drying technology has advanced significantly, expanding the variety of foods available in this form. You can find freeze-dried fruits, vegetables, meats, and even complete meals. This diversity not only ensures a well-rounded diet but also provides comfort and familiarity in stressful situations.

Minimal Preparation and Waste

Another advantage of freeze-dried food is its simplicity. Most items can be rehydrated with just hot water, requiring minimal preparation and clean-up. This can be crucial when resources and time are limited in an emergency. Additionally, you can prepare only what you need, minimizing waste and ensuring efficient resource management.

Peace of Mind

Finally, having a supply of freeze-dried food in your emergency kit provides peace of mind. Knowing that you have a reliable source of sustenance readily available can reduce anxiety and stress during challenging times. It allows you to focus on other critical aspects of your emergency plan, such as safety and communication.

Where to Buy Freeze-Dried Food?

Freeze-dried food has become more available throughout the US in camping and supplies stores. As a convenience, Wolf Survival Gear offers you the chance to shop online and have your items shipped to your door. View and buy long-term food items made by Readywise, here!

Freeze-dried food is a valuable asset in any emergency preparedness strategy. Its extended shelf life, nutritional value, convenience, diverse options, and minimal preparation make it a wise choice for individuals and families looking to safeguard themselves against unforeseen crises. By incorporating freeze-dried food into your emergency supplies, you can ensure that you and your loved ones are better equipped to face the unexpected with confidence and resilience.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later.

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems:

Preserving Your Fall Harvest

Since the beginning of time, humans have been tasked with prolonging the life of their food. Our ancestors found ways to preserve food throughout the cold months to survive. In northern regions, they preserved meat by freezing it; in southern regions, they preserved meat by drying it. Over time, we’ve perfected our ways of maintaining all sorts of foods. In this article, we have gathered the most popular methods people use to preserve their fall harvest.

Fermenting Your Food

Fermentation is a process that induces chemical changes in organic substances through the action of microorganisms and their enzymes. This method not only transforms the food’s taste and texture but also creates conditions that help preserve it.

  • Use kosher salt or salt without anti-caking ingredients, as anti-caking agents will ruin the fermentation process.
  • Only use filtered water because contaminates may deter proper fermentation.
  • Ensure it’s fully submerged in the brine to prevent spoilage. 
  • Start the fermentation at room temperature; however, once the process is underway, move to a refrigerated space to slow the progression and allow it to maintain a crunchy texture when consumed.

Pickling Your Food

Pickling is a method of preserving or extending the shelf life of food by immersing it in an acidic solution, often vinegar or a naturally fermented brine.

  • Prepare your vegetables by processing them in the manner best suited for what you’re pickling, whether that involves slicing, cutting, peeling, or trimming.
  • Make the brine, which is just water, some pickling or kosher salt, and vinegar. You can use various kinds of vinegar. Bring this to a boil, ensuring the salt fully dissolves, and let it cool.
  • Add optional spices or sweeteners such as dill, red pepper, ginger, thyme, garlic, peppercorns, salt, and sugar into your clean, prepared jars.
  • Pack the vegetables into these jars without smooshing them, leaving about half an inch of space at the top.   
  • Pour the cool brine into the containers, just covering the vegetables.
  • Tap out the air bubbles and seal the lid.

Canning Your Food

Canning is among the latest and most popular methods to preserve food. Foods that are alkaline-based require pressure canning, which is a delicate process that raises the temperature of the food higher than the boiling point to kill any pathogens that may spoil the food.

  • Fill the jars with the food item you are preserving up to the bottom of the lid line, allowing some space for expansion.
  • Tap out any air bubbles before closing the jar.
  • Secure the lid tightly so air cannot enter or escape the container.
  • Boil the filled jars for the required time based on the recipe.

Drying or Dehydrating Your Food

Removing moisture from food products helps to increase its longevity and prevents bacterial and fungal growth. From fish to beef, tomatoes, peppers, various fruits, and herbs – all have been dried since the beginning of time. Dehydration requires little to no technology; the direct hot sun will suffice, or a low-temperature oven can quickly do the job.

  • Dehydrating fruits is a great way to preserve them for an extended period, intensify their flavors, and create tasty, nutrient-dense snacks. First, wash and clean, peel and core, slice, dip into ¼ cup of lemon juice and 1 quart of water for 10 minutes to prevent browning, and oven dry (140 degrees for 6-12 hours), place in a food dehydrator (135 degrees for 4-12 hours), or air dry (string on thread/wire, out of direct sunlight for several days/weeks), then pack into airtight containers.
  • Clean and gut fish, fillet, salt, soak in a brine solution, lay flat on a wire rack in the sun for 3-4 days, or dry in an oven (145 degrees for 10-12 hours) or in a dehydrator. Store in a cool, airtight container.
  • Select choice/lean beef (with no fat), cut into thin strips, marinate for several hours or overnight, and place on a rack in the oven (on lowest heat for 4-8 hours) or in a dehydrator. Store in a cool, airtight container.
  • Hang woody herbs, like rosemary and oregano, upside down in a well-ventilated area. Soft-stemmed herbs, such as basil and parsley may lose flavor when dried, as their essential oils are fickle.

Freezing Your Food

Placing your food in a freezer helps to ensure that your perishables stay fresh for an extended period. Be alerted to carefully seal your packaging to prevent freezer burn, and be mindful that over time, the quality of your food items will deteriorate when defrosted.

  • Blanching is a cooking process in which vegetables or fruits are briefly immersed in boiling (lightly salted) water, then quickly cooling (aka “shocking”) in iced water. This process helps to remove microorganisms from the surface while slightly softening the texture for pliability. It also aids in maintaining vibrant colors and flavors. Once your fruits and vegetables are blanched, which reduces the water content, it’s safe for freezing.  
  • Layer your fruits and vegetables to avoid clumps of watery produce.

Looking for more survival tips and how-tos? Check out our other blogs at Wolf Survival Gear for your needed information.

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Please make us your one-stop shop and prepare before you need it later. 

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Fishing for Survival

Fishing is one of the best ways for inexperienced hunters to gain momentum. While protein and fats are difficult to find in plants and lean mammals such as rabbits, they are rampant in fish. Fishing is great for beginners and possible in nearly every area worldwide. 

Modern fishing requires basic gear such as a spinning rod, reel, hooks, fishing line, worms, jig heads, single-tail grubs, and bobbers. In most areas, fishing licenses are also required, which are handled by the state. 

There are two types of fishing: active and passive fishing. Active fishing involves casting a rod and reeling in a fish or using a spear or bare hands to catch your meal. Passive fishing is when you set up a net, trotline, or trap to catch fish, enabling you to be elsewhere.  

The best solution to bait fish is obviously to use something they are enticed to eat, such as a worm or a shiny object that glimmers underwater. Other types of live bait include crawfish, tadpoles, small fish, or salamanders. Many of these slimy creatures can be found under rocks near the water’s edge or on moist ground that can be easily dug into. 

Almost all natural bodies of water have fish, but the challenges of catching them can arise based on weather patterns, water ecology, and time of day. The best times to fish are when they are most hungry, at dawn or dusk. Keep this in mind when feeling discouraged. Also, ensure the area chosen can provide cover, structure, and changes in the water.

Certain techniques can help you catch fish, such as jigging, which is where the bait skips along the bottom of the body of water and reels in. Let it sink again, and repeat. Twitching the bait is done by twitching the rod around in short bursts after the lure is in the water. This erratic movement makes noise and draws attention to your lure. Jerking the bait is similar; however, you use longer, slower movements and sweep the rod back and forth while reeling in.

When it comes to fishing, patience is imperative. The fish will spook and swim away if you yank on the rod too quickly. When you feel a nibble, wait a few moments, promptly jerk up, and steadily reel the fish in, allowing only brief breaks for rest without giving any slack to the fish to build momentum and break the line to swim away. Check the basket funnel trap, gill net, trotline, or fishing weir regularly for passive fishing. Be sure to reset your traps for ample opportunity.

The best way to enjoy fish is to cook it to 145°F to kill any parasites that might be present. If cooking isn’t available, it’s best to eat saltwater fish raw because the salt decreases the chance of parasites. Freshwater fish should not be eaten raw. If not eaten immediately after catching it, preserve the meat or use a holding tank to keep the fish alive until you are ready to eat. 

Some traditional methods of storing fish include freezing, canning, smoking, salting, and pickling. 

Looking for more survival tips and how-tos? Check out our blog at Wolf Survival Gear to find the information you need.

Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: 

Farming Without Soil

A food crisis is on the brink, worldwide, as farmland is becoming destitute due to the overwhelming amount of pesticides, droughts, and extreme weather. With these challenges comes an inability to produce enough crops for the increasing global population. Since soil is such a crucial part of the growing process, is it possible to produce food without it? 

The answer is a resounding yes. Several companies are pioneering the process of growing plants without soil. Plants need nutrients (food) to survive, along with air, water, and light. As long as they have these, they can easily thrive. This article will explore alternative growing methods to produce vibrant, nutritious produce.

Pioneered by NASA in the 1990s, this method is regarded as the most technologically advanced growing process. Using suspended plants, the roots are intermittently sprayed with a nutrient solution by an automatic sprinkler system, connected to a water reservoir. Since the plant roots come in direct contact with pure air, the extra oxygen allows the plants to form their own nutrients more resourcefully, creating a vibrant result. Some benefits of aeroponics include: 

  • Richer flavor profile
  • Faster growth, roughly two- to three times normal size
  • Yields three times more crops
  • Uses 95 percent less water than soil
  • Significantly less energy needed
  • No fertilizers or chemicals needed 

This system is designed for long-term cultivation of crops. Plants’ roots are submerged in a continuous flow of nutrient-rich water pumped through a reservoir pump. Seeds are buried in soil replacement cups and set in a container filled with water and nutrients for the plant. As the rich water is delivered to the cups, the seeds begin to germinate, and a root system forms. Some benefits of hydroponics include: 

  • Easily regulated 
  • Effortless commercial (large-scale) use 
  • Plants grow year-round 
  • Uses 90 percent less water than soil 

This technique works by raising fish to feed naturally mineral-rich nutrients to the plants. In essence, it mimics a natural ecosystem. As the fish eat and produce waste, fertilizer is formed, which feeds the plants. Fish excrement becomes a byproduct of food for bacteria, which is then converted into plant fertilizer. Benefits of aquaponics include: 

  • Healthy, swift plant growth
  • Less disease
  • Lower maintenance 
  • Fish can also be eaten

Hopefully, we will never be forced to use these methods in order to grow food. Wolf Survival Gear likes to offer people resources for various environments, so you’re prepared. Let us know your thoughts on this subject.


Wolf Survival Gear is a hub for your prepping and survival needs. We are your trusted resource for concerned families, avid hunters, or serious preppers. Make us your one-stop-shop and prepare now, before you need it later. 

Written by the digital marketing team at Creative Programs & Systems: