Pool Remodeling in The Winter

When thinking about pool remodeling, winter is typically the farthest time of year that most people think about repairs/ upgrades. It’s cold outside, there is snow covering the pool so why would now be a good time to explore a remodel? Surprisingly, winter is the very best time for your pool to get a little TLC and there are several advantages you can enjoy by remodeling your pool during the winter. Below we will discuss exactly why.

Better Pricing

Your budget is typically your largest factor when planning your pool remodeling and with winter being a less busy season for pool contractors, the pricing is much more affordable. With pool companies having more availability you will be able to choose a time in your schedule that works best instead of having to work around what they can offer during the spring or summer. Another great advantage is that many pool companies will offer better deals and pricing for swimming pool care during their less busy months as well.

Not Wasting Precious Pool Time

The frequency of using a swimming pool is safe to assume to be used much more in the summer than the winter months. Choosing to have renovations in the spring or early summer could be a risky decision since renovation can take longer and instead of being in the pool each day, you now may be waiting for the service to be completed. Summer is already such a short season that the main reason to have a pool is to enjoy it each day that is available. Getting the pool remodeling completed in the winter when you aren’t planning on using it anyway just seems like a much better option for you and for the contractors, win-win!

Better Working Weather

It may seem strange to have anything pool maintenance-related done in the winter but for contractors, it can be more ideal due to the temperatures outside while working will be comfortable for working as opposed to hot summer days. In the summer, contractors will struggle to work quickly because the risk of heatstroke are high and need to stop for breaks and stay hydrated which understandably will slow down their production. If choosing to have renovations for your pool in winter, the contractors tend to be more efficient and get the repairs done quicker as well.

Pound Pool Plastering offers several options when it comes to servicing your pool including plaster, caulk, tiling, cement decks, plumbing, and coping in both commercial and residential settings.  More information can be found at https://www.pound-pool-plastering.com/.

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